About The Module
Krinkle Daily Visit Record® is the perfect solution for providing detailed reports showing proof of work with photos of all observations made at any site on any given day.
When your employees are onsite, whether at a well site, tank battery, or any other site where they are engaged in client work, your client needs data and images to verify what was seen, what work was done, and how long the field tech was there. Clients need proof of work as well as thorough feedback. Furthermore, this feedback must be easy for the field tech to accomplish, with minimal interference in critical work. They need Krinkle Daily Visit Record®.
Comprehensive Proof-of-Work
Automatic Stamping of Critical Data
Krinkle Daily Visit Record® is one of many comprehensive modules in Krinkle’s environmental mobile app & reporting system, Krinkle Environmental®. This module is designed to quickly and easily provide you and your clients with all the daily “proof-of-work” reporting they require while being low-cost and easy to use. This is supported with high-quality photo documentation, complete with automatic stamping of those images with critical data such as date, time, GPS position, client, project, location, travel time, and any other necessary data you may need. The mobile app also guides field workers by recording field notes, recommendations, travel times, on-site time, and more. The app also has a geospatial mapping component to see all their work sites on a map (or satellite view) with one-touch access to turn-by-turn directions to the site.
Multi-Location Tracking
Highly Visible Work-In-Progress Tracking
Krinkle Daily Visit Record® supports many different environmental service companies and oil and gas companies that operate across one or more Locations. Krinkle Daily Visit Record® tracks all your clients, their projects, and the locations of projects in a highly detailed and organized manner, giving your clients and upper management a clear and comprehensive view of ongoing work-in-progress (WIP). Work in progress can be seen on the mobile app or in attractive, well-designed reports. This ensures that the current state of every project is highly visible to all stakeholders, regardless of the client, their project, their location, and who is working on them. These features make Krinkle Daily Visit Record® the perfect tool for any environmental service company or Oil & Gas company looking to provide iron-clad "proof-of-work" quickly and efficiently while simultaneously automating professional and detailed reporting. This type of data is ideal for audit management as well.
Click Images to Enlarge
We Work The Way You Work
Guided Process with Non-Linear Data Capture
Krinkle Daily Visit Record® understands how real users work in the field. It guides Environmental Field Specialists step-by-step through their work, even when it occurs in an ever-changing order. While Krinkle Daily Visit Record® acts as a comprehensive tool to record a field tech's daily process, it does not limit its users by forcing them to record their photographs, field notes, times, or recommendations in any particular order. In other words, regardless of if a user chooses to record all field notes at once and then give recommendations all at once or go back and forth between recording field notes, suggestions, and taking photos, the workflow is effortless for the user. This drastically speeds up and simplifies the documentation process and significantly reduces the data collection burden while increasing its accuracy. It also makes reporting a one-button-touch, straightforward task.
Standalone or Part of a Bigger Family
Can Be Integrated with All Krinkle Environmental® Modules
Krinkle Daily Visit Record® can be used as a standalone module; it is also integrated with the rest of Krinkle’s suite of environmental modules and can be used on several different environmental projects like soil sampling and reclamation with corrective action tracking, environmental site assessments, area-based closures and more!
Data Visibility At Your Fingertips
Google Earth & ESRI Compatibility
Krinkle Daily Visit Record® is fully integrated with Google Earth, which allows users to easily and quickly create a geospatial view of all projects at locations as well as user work-like recommendations (“Work Crumbing“ and “Bread Crumbing”). The data can be saved as a file (.KMZ and .KML file formats) from our secure reporting portal and viewed on Google Earth. Krinkle Daily Visit Record® can also convert them to ESRI Shape Files.
Click the image to see a close-up of what Google Earth looks like integrated with Krinkle Daily Visit Record®.
Enterprise-Class Data Security

We know that the information collected within this industry is extremely sensitive, and data security is a top priority. Krinkle Daily Visit Record® is highly secure, and our security practices have been implemented and tested for years. For those looking for more technical information, Krinkle uses SSL certificates signed with a 2048-bit RSA and hashed SHA-256. Additionally, Krinkle applications only communicate using newer secure TLS protocols with HSTS and an AES-256 cipher suite. Data is fully encrypted on the local device and in transit to the servers. The servers are protected at Amazon’s secure data centers behind their tightly managed firewalls.
Easy to Train, Learn and Deploy

Krinkle Daily Visit Record® is easily trained, learned, and used by your employees or contractors. We include thorough initial training classes (even though they rarely exceed 60-90 minutes!) and ongoing user support in our pricing. The system even supports service companies with layers of subcontractors beneath them to support their ultimate client. The system’s flexibility to operate in many unique business models is unrivaled, no matter how distributed.
Schedule a Demo
Krinkle Environmental® and its associated application modules (e.g., Krinkle Daily Visit Record®) are designed to manage and simplify your many environmental projects. If you are interested in learning more about how Krinkle Daily Visit Record® could help your process, please click below to set up a free demo.
One-Time Setup Fee with Access to All Krinkle Environmental® Modules
Includes Field User & Admin Training.